Doesn’t it feel great when someone approves of what you do or who you are? YES IT DOES!
Even though I don’t only live to get compliments, a nice pat in the back once in a while definitely feels good! Why do I say that? Oh yeah, because 2 great things happened to me lately. Two things I worked hard for and, well, yeah, I can say I deserved them…but one of which I don’t want to reveal yet. I’m a bit superstitious when something good is about to happen and there’s a signature involved… You’ll just have to wait!
So, here’s the one I can talk about.
After dancing since I’m 3, training my booty off, trying different styles, teaching full time, I am finally dancing for myself again and for Loose Change Dance Company! That’s right, you read it, I got in my favorite SF company… double yey!! And I get to learn and be in the show they did in February which I totally loved! How rad is that?
I’m soooo happy and so anxious to officially start rehearsals (which sounds like it’s going to be after 4th of July).
An interesting reaction I get from people when I tell them I got in (aside from being happy/surpised/jealous) is “Wow, that must be a big commitment” or “How much of a commitment is it?”
Hmmm, it seems like “commitment” is a concern to people. Like if you were signing your life away. Well, all I gotta say is when you love something, you just don’t count! (that goes for people too!!) But really, it’s not that “bad”. 2 steady 2.5 hrs reahersals on Tues and Thurs nights + Sundays in a few weeks. They will increase as the show comes closer (End of Sept. in Salt Lake City).
The rehearsals take place at City Dance, where Eric teaches some of his fabulous classes, which is literally 7 Vespa minutes away from home. How freakin’ convenient!
Oh, and…did I say YEAAHHHH!!! This f&%#in’ ROCKS!!
you know what this means… that you f&%#in’ ROCK!! Congratulations, and get ready to go on the road – wow, how cool is that – now that’ll be an experience – keep us posted.
That is *awesome!* Doing what you love is definitely not a commitment–it’s one of the joys of life. I can’t wait to go to the show and see you dance. Yay!
Hurray! I can’t wait to see you perform. Happy for you!
A lot of people think life is more complicated than it is. I say if you love something, do it and be happy you are able to! Unless it is heroin or murder or something like that.