DOWN Down down…

10.02.08 | Comment?

Two weeks ago (already!) Justin and I took a trip to the Grand Canyon. Or should I say “into” the Grand Canyon. I’m finally cutting into my beauty sleep in order to post some photos. Yes, you can feel lucky and special!

While you can get all the juicy details from Justin’s blog, about the preparation, the descent, some undesired encounters, the river and the ascent, I will limit my narration and let the photos speak for themselves.

Outlining the trail on a photo makes the scale more real, as it gets less and less visible in the distance, and disappears completely before the last big drop of the inner canyon. This shot, was taken at about a third of the way down (just to give you a little perspective).

Here are *many* pictures of the descent that would be best enjoyed in a peaceful, quiet moment of your day (or a very chaotic moment, seeking for peace and quiet).


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