(picture from Poele au nez)
Apparemment, c’est quelque chose de tres rependu mais franchement, je n’en ai jamais entendu parler…Peut-etre que ce sera au menu pour Noel?
Apparently, chocolate salami is something well known (in France), but I’ve never heard of it before…Maybe will it be on Christmas’ menu?
Voici quelques recettes:
Here’s some recipes (in French…sorry!):
Chocolami! We used to sell that at Whole foods, and mostly the customers were grossed out, but the staff loved it.
Sounds kind of gross, but I’d give it a try.
I, for one, would like to see some saucisson au chocolat and some saucisson au viande side by side.
Jackie, I’m so not surprised people are grossed out, it sounds like there’s chocolate in a regular salami!
Marcia, I may make a test run before christmas…maybe we can arrange a tasting?…involving dessert wine?
Oh and Justin, we can extend the tasting to regular salami with red wine…I’m totally on board!
[…] Ah, et puis, on va faire le saucisson au chocolat et je vais essayer de faire un egg nog… On verra comment tout ca va tourner. Je vous tiendrai au courant…photos a l’appuis. Oh, and we’re going to make the chocolate salami and I will try to make an egg nog…. we’ll see how it will all turn out. I will keep you posted, with pictures as proofs. […]
Merci pour cette recette de cuisine, sympa =)
De rien! Ca fait un moment que je ne l’ai pas fait… ca me donne l’idee de recommencer pour les fetes de cette annee.