Gettin’ pampered

12.10.07 | 4 Comments

And so after dancing, working, hiking, working, dancing, working and dancing some more… my body kinda hurts. I was starting to get sciatic pains, my right knee was killing me when I was walking even on short distances, my neck kept getting tight. And all on the right side.

Today, I finally treated myself with a long over-due therapeutic massage. Jeff, who dug his fingers into my muscles, knew what he was doing. It wasn’t one of these relaxing, mmm, oh yes massages. It was more of an ouch, woa, man it kinda hurts in a weirdly great way massage, from a Filipino technique. He found all the spots I’ve been aching, all the muscle chains that were pulling onto each other. Sometimes it almost felt like he was digging below a group of muscles to reach other muscles. Wow!
Now, I feel opened and a little sore. We’ll see about tomorrow :)

But that’s not the end! I thought to myself… well, while I’m at it, why not get a manicure? And so I did. It’s been a year I haven’t had one. Felt sooo good! I love watching my hands now.

Look… this is me forgetting how to spell words typing this blog post with beautiful nails.
pretty nails
