Not Just For Tourists

07.06.10 | 4 Comments

Since I said goodbye to my scooter, I’ve been walking a lot more in the city. I love walking to work. But do you know what I like even more? Taking the cable car. And so, for the first time in 3 years, I bought a bus pass that enables me to take the cable car regularly… especially uphill.

When I ride the cable car I feel as much of a tourist as any other foreign (to SF) passenger, which makes me want to take pictures. Recently I also got hooked on a nifty little iPhone app called ToonFX Paint. It pretty much cartoonifies any image you take and you can colorize it later.

You then get neat little effects like this…

View from the cable car, up California St.

I preferred to keep the images black and white.

Looking down California St. towards Financial District.

Cable Car wannabe’s (yep, they’re buses).

Looking out on Jones st.

What a fun ride home.
