Not as stinky as I thought

05.06.09 | 3 Comments

I met, pet, scratched, got nibbled on, pushed by, climbed on, surrounded by goats for the very first time in my life (or my conscious life). I really anticipated to have to pinch my nose the whole time, but quite frankly, these cute creatures are not very stinky. Only their covered area where they eat, poop and give birth was pretty pungent, but when you look at the little “kids” faces begging for attention, you forget it all.

It was a memorable experience we had at Harley Farms last weekend. We got to tour the farm, spend time with the goat, watch the mamas get milked, see how the cheese was made and savoured a delicious dinner with a group of like-minded people.

Photo by Kathy who took the tour and dinner with us
Note the glass of wine, while petting the goats… can’t get better than that!

Simply fantastic.
