Check it out, a Citroën Deux-Chevaux! In San Francisco! Une “Deudeuche”! The best part is that the owner called it “Pou Bel” which is just like a “poubelle” which is a garbage dump which is a common name to refer to your car in France. You get me?
Poubelle – “Pou Bel” – ha ha!
you are more adorable than the car!
In germany we call the 2CV “duck”
I am realy glad to drive one of the following typs of reanault – the “twingo” – also cheap and tiny.. and a cabrio
Marcia – Aww thanks!
Geli – Yes, I love the Twingo!! I wish we had some here, but I guess the renault market isn’t really popular on this side of the world.
Yes – you are right – but perhaps, one day – the gas-prices are the same as in europe…you are able to buy one of this ;-))
on our tour last year i noticed a great number of mini-coupers and samarts in california. But i guess- that the most of this cars are only a second “bling-bling” of womans how drive first priority a big,big thirsty car ;-))))
I figured we were not the first to see the “POU BEL” and snap a pic: San Francisco 2CV and Citroen…