When I decide to make a change, normally it’s pretty drastic. There’s no messing around. The outside’s in, the inside’s out, I shake it all about and turn it around. That’s what it’s all about, my friends!
Out with the red, in with the white-green-orange. Out with the crazy flying squares (what was I thinking?), in with the random pictures from my adventures. Out with the unpronounceable blog name (and domain) and in with what it really represents… my life.
Eventhough Soleilisme disappeared from the internets, I don’t want to just throw it away without any commemoration screenshot. After all, it was a little piece of me for almost three years.
Goodbye, big red buddy!
And so, welcome to my new home! I can’t believe the first time I posted about a blog re-design was back in April… I’m sure all of you were sitting on the edge of your seat, waiting for this day to come! I’m happy I could relieve the impatience that was eating your every moment of existence. You’re welcome.
Ah, this feels good. Something new. Something refreshing. Certainly not perfect, but refreshing. Feel free to click around and leave a comment if you see anything broken, want to give me some feedback or just send me some love notes.
i love it too !!! – clear and fresh optic !
Greatings from Germany ;-)
J’adore!!!C’est rafraichissant. C’est toi quoi!
I like it!
Et bien, c’est clair, lumineux, pas d’artifice !!! ça te ressemble Il love it my nana chérie !!! Bisous de ta loumounette
mon coeur, peut être que pour les archives tu pourrais faire un gros dossier par année avec des sous dossiers par mois car telle que c’est foullie et donc difficile à voir quelque chose ou décaler les années avec une marge différente. Bref, différencier les années par une marque particulière. Bisus mon coeur
Hello everyone – thank you so much for your comments (and some of you emails too). I’m so glad you like the new looks. There are definitely like tweaks to do here and there, but sounds like it’s working ok :-)
Moumounette – I’ll try to find a better Archive solution just for you.
Bisous everyone!
soleilisme.com has expired, long live laviesoleil.com!