Tricyle and Jeepney – Banaue

01.29.11 | 2 Comments

We have pretty good internet right now, so I’m taking advantage of the bandwidth to post some videos we’ve taken in the Philippines.

Our first day in Banaue, we took an afternoon guided hike around the pyramid-shaped rice terraces. To get to the trail head, we had to ride a tricycle which eventually became my favorite mode of transport in the Philippines.

The next day, we chartered a Jeepney with a Slovenian couple and a Dutch girl to go see the Batad terraces in the shape of an amphitheater. 2/3 of the drive was on a relatively decent paved road. The last 1/3 however was an uphill, muddy, potholed road. No wonder the SUV in the video is parked… watch us get (briefly) stuck in the mud around 1:07. The video is ended by me being bumped around so much I loose the camera. Fun times!
